Friday, December 9, 2022

FiT Work 18: First Aid and CPR

FiT Work #18 First Aid and CPR - Due @ End of Period

Knowing how to administer basic first aid and how to perform cardiopulmonary respiration (CPR) can literally save a life! But before entering into an emergency situation make sure you will not be in any danger ... remember you are there to help, not become a victim yourself.

Once you know the area around a victim is safe there are general rules that should be followed as most injuries must be treated very quickly. To watch a video about basic first aid for emergencies such as head injury, nose bleed, heat stroke, choking, allergies, burns, bleeding, and this link.

The two problems associated with someone having a heart attack, or going into cardiac arrest, are a lack of breathing and no pulse or heart beat. When the proper techniques are used a heart attack victim's heart begins beating again in 60-80% of cases. To watch a video about Hands-Only CPR click this link.

When you are ready to answer your homework questions click HERE to complete your work. Don't forget to click "submit" when you are finished to send your answers to your teacher.

Friday, December 2, 2022

Independent Study Assignment Submissions

 For all students who are off campus for an extended period of time...

Use this LINK to submit your stretch routines in order to earn your points outside the classroom.

Thursday, December 1, 2022


Fit Work #16 - Sleep Deprivation


Tired? We all know the feeling; irritated, groggy, and exceptionally lazy. Chances are you didn't get enough sleep last night, or maybe you haven't slept well for the past few nights. Sleep deprivation is a condition that we often overlook or purposely ignore. Sometimes our favorite T.V. shows, video games, or a late night study session can get in the way of a much needed, good night's rest. In order to get a better understanding of the importance of sleep, click on the following links: 

Once you have watched both videos, click HERE to complete and submit your assignment.

Monday, October 31, 2022

CFH 2: Definitions of Fitness


CFH 2: Definitions of Fitness

Use the following pages to help answer the questions on your Google Form. Be sure to use complete sentences when answering the questions.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

FiT Work 15

FiT Work #15 - Breast Cancer Awareness

Due Friday, 10/21 by 11:59 pm

Breast cancer forever changes the lives of men, women, and their families when they are diagnosed with the disease. In the U.S. this year alone more than 246,660 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Of those women diagnosed this year 40,4500 will die from the disease. Men are also at risk of breast cancer and 2,600 cases are expected to be diagnosed in 2018. The good news is that there are currently more than 3.1 million breast cancer survivors in the U.S today!

To find out more about Breast Cancer read the website, then watch the video, at the links below.

Click HERE once you have viewed the resources above and are ready to answer your homework questions. You must remember to click "submit" when you are done or your answers will not go to your teacher!

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

PE Syllabus

Click HERE to view or print out a copy of this years class syllabus. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

CFH 1: What is CrossFit?

CrossFit Handout (CFH) 1: What is CrossFit?
Due @ the end of the period

Read the following handout below to have a better understanding of what CrossFit is.  After reading the handout, click the link HERE to answer the handout questions.  Remember to use COMPLETE SENTENCES.

For the last question, you will need to view and scroll through the various workouts posted.

FiT Work 14: Healthy Eating

FiT Work #14- Healthy Eating
Due @ the end of the period

Next to air, water is the most important substance necessary for our survival. We can live with hardly any food for two or more months, but we can only survive a few days without water! Water serves many functions in the body like digesting food, carrying nutrients through the blood to our cells, controlling body temperature, and helping joints move and keeping our lungs moist. You need to drink enough water each day to stay properly hydrated, and more than normal if you exercise, are overweight, are elderly, or live in a hot climate.

It is also important to eat well balanced meals to be sure you are getting enough protein, carbohydrates, and low fat food to fulfill your energy needs and avoid malnutrition. There are many vitamins and minerals that are considered essential and which can come from eating a variety of foods from each food group including dairy, fruit, vegetables, grains, as well as poultry, meat, nuts, or soy. Foods and snacks that are high in salt, sugar, and high fat foods should be avoided because eating too much of these can lead to health problems associated with being overweight.

To learn more about healthy eating click on each link below to watch the videos:

1. What If You Stopped Drinking Water?
2. Smart Nutrition - 3 Key Vitamins and Minerals for Teens

Click HERE once you have viewed the videos above and are ready to answer your homework questions.  You may need to watch the videos more than one time. Simple word answers are acceptable, you DO NOT need to write compete sentences for full credit. You must remember to click "submit" when you are done or your answers will not go to your teacher!

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

MILE RUN LOG (SY 22-23')

For all 7th and 8th graders:

Report ALL mile runs using this link HERE. This will allow you to keep track of all your mile runs and times.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Parent/Guardian Consent Form 22-23'

In case of any illness/injury, have your parent or guardian fill out the following information by clicking HERE.  Please print out the form and give it to me for your records.

Remember, any handwritten notes will not be accepted and can result in a loss of participation points for those day(s).

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Understanding Your Weight

 Due by Wednesday, August 17th @ the end of the period.

As middle schoolers, your bodies are going through constant changes.  One of the changes we will observe and understand are the physical changes that happen with our bodies.  

One aspect to notice during adolescence is the change in weight.  Many young teens will associate an increase in weight as something negative, but there are many factors that go into weight change.  Read the following articles to have a better understanding of weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), and what exercise can do to our overall physique:



How to Calculate your BMI

After reading the following articles and calculating your BMI, click HERE to fill out your Week 1 Measurements.  Be sure to write down your measurements in your notebook as well.

FiT Work 13 - Teen Body Image

FiT Work #13- Teen Body Image
Due:Wednesday, August 17th @ 11:59 PM

Teenagers go through so many changes in their bodies.  And as your body changes, so does your image of your body.  The way we feel about our body is called body image.  It is easy to be critical on how you look.  Popular media has caused a distorted view of our bodies through the doctored images that they display throughout all forms of media.  

How do you see yourself when you look in the mirror?  Many teens and young adults worry about how they look, "Am I too fat? Too skinny? Am I ugly, pretty or handsome?"  Teens and young adults also worry about fitting in with the rest of the crowd, while also trying to stand out as an individual.

Click HERE to watch a short video called Teen Truth: Body Image.  Once you are ready to answer your homework questions, click HERE to open the google form that contains your homework questions.  You may need to watch the video again in order to answer all of the questions.  


Tuesday, August 16, 2022

SY 22-23 Locker Registration Form

In order to practice your online tech-savvy skills to be prepared for the rest of the year, fill out the Locker Registration Form by clicking HERE regarding your locker room information.  This will be CONFIDENTIAL and used when students forget their locker information.

If you could not find the form, here is the actual link:

Monday, August 15, 2022


Good Morning Wolverines,

This week you'll be receiving a syllabus either for CrossFit and/or PE.  Be sure you review the handout with your parent(s) and guardian(s) before signing the paper.  Upload the picture of your signed document by clicking HERE. Be sure to complete this by next Wednesday, August 17 to receive FULL credit.

If you have any questions regarding the syllabus, send me an email or let me know in person.

Friday, August 12, 2022

How to Open Your Combination Padlock

Below are 2 training videos that will help teach you how to open your new combination padlock.

Reminders: Do not share your new 3 digit code with anyone.  Always remember to lock your padlock behind you when leaving your locker.

If you lose your padlock, the price of a new one is $7.00 and you can purchase a new one from the P.E. teachers in the locker rooms.